Top 5 List: Marvel Puzzle Quest characters edition

1. Shang-Chi (Origin)
Pound for pound, Shang-Chi is the best offensive character in the game. With River of Blows going and someone to give him continuous red and purple AP (Valkyrie or Agent May are top choices), Shang-Chi hits like a truck and self-heals easily. By himself, he can easily take down entire Shield Level 10 node teams before he’s at Champion level. Prioritize championing him as soon as you get him. He’s worth the resources and time invested immediately.

2. Thor (Mighty Thor)
With auto abilities that immediately benefit her team and great synergy with other top-tier characters, Mighty Thor is a top choice to champion quickly. All her abilities work well with other top tiers, and she’s powerful once built up. Plus, she can tank with the best of them. And, when she is paired with Polaris, arguably the best all-around character in the game, she is unstoppable.

3. Polaris (Lorna Dane)
Polaris is quite possibly the best character in the game. Her best move – Electromagnetic Resonance – can and will overwhelm the toughest teams in the game. And given her synergy with nearly every other character in the game – she is known for being part of several winfinite teams and is a fixture in PvE – she is the 4-star character that you champion first and ascend first.

4. Aunt May (Golden Oldie)
Deceptively strong offensively, Aunt May’s 5-star version is on par with Shang-Chi in terms of damage. Her red ability, Cosmic Wrath, hits hard for little cost. Pairing her with damage-boosting partners such as 3-star or 5-star Emma Frost or 5-star Agatha Harkness is a sure win because Aunt May will do all the damage possible.

5. Okoye (Warrior General)
A classic powerhouse 5-star character, Okoye is best suited as a tank to let her abilities shine. With her in front, she maintains Team Up AP. For every Team Up point, she increases friendly ability damage by 1,471 points. This means everyone starts hitting like Shang-Chi. That’s a win on any level. She also can truly self-heal. Pairing her with someone who boosts damage further while letting her lead helps her move into the upper echelons of the best character in the game conversation.

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