Name: Jennifer Susan Walters
Alias: She-Hulk, Savage She-Hulk, Sensational She-Hulk, Agent Walters
Affiliation: Avengers, Ancient Order of the Shield, A-Force, Defenders, Fantastic Force, Fantastic Four, Future Foundation, Heroes for Hire, Hulkbusters, The Initiative, Lady Liberators, Mighty Avengers, S.H.I.E.L.D., Seven Brides of Set
Special abilities: Fourth wall awareness, superhuman strength, stamina, durability, speed and leaping, healing factor, gamma manipulation, energy absorption, emotion empowerment
Background: Jennifer Walters, the cousin of Dr. Bruce Banner, was shot and seriously injured by operatives of crime lord Nicholas Trask. Because Bruce was there to tell her about his Hulk transformation, he was the only blood donor available. Receiving his blood enabled a Hulk-like transformation of her own. After learning to deal with her transformation, she was transported to the Beyonder’s Battleworld to participate in the Secret Wars. After returning to Earth, she temporarily joined the Fantastic Four in the place of the Thing. After preventing a radiation leak, she permanently transformed into She-Hulk, though she retained her intelligence and developed less monster-like features.
Relationships: Bruce Banner (The Hulk), cousin; Luke Cage, partner; Wally Wingfoot, partner; John Jameson III, husband; Skaar, cousin; Lyra, cousin
First Versus appearance: Marvel vs. Capcom 3: Fate of Two Worlds
Appearances in other media:
Television: The Incredible Hulk (1982), Fantastic Four (1994), The Incredible Hulk (1996), Fantastic Four: World’s Greatest Heroes, The Super Hero Squad Show, Hulk and the Agents of S.M.A.S.H., Ultimate Spider-Man, She-Hulk: Attorney at Law
Video games: Fantastic Four (1997), Marvel Super Heroes: War of the Gems, Marvel Ultimate Alliance 2, Marvel Super Hero Squad: The Infinity Gauntlet, Marvel vs. Capcom 3: Fate of Two Worlds, Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3, Marvel Super Hero Squad Online, Marvel Avengers Alliance, Marvel Heroes, LEGO Marvel Super Heroes, Marvel Pinball, Marvel Avengers Alliance Tactics, Marvel: Avengers Alliance 2, LEGO Marvel’s Avengers, Marvel Future Fight, Marvel Contest of Champions, Marvel Avengers Academy, LEGO Marvel Super Heroes 2, Marvel Puzzle Quest, Fortnite Battle Royale, Marvel Snap