Affiliation: The Sisterhood of Mutants, Mojo, Longshot
Special abilities: Spiral is a master-level magic user who is also a master of sorcery, genetic engineering and robotics. Her magic proficiency is enough that she was considered to be among candidates to succeed Doctor Strange as the Sorcerer Supreme of Earth. Spiral is able to open dimensional gateways, travel between dimensions, teleport and time travel. Spiral has an immunity to possession by others, and is also superhumanly acrobatic and strong.
Background: Spiral began life as Rita Wayword, a stuntwoman on Earth. She became involved with the humanoid Longshot after she was attacked by her evil future self in a paradoxial time loop. Within the loop, she, Longshot and another companion traveled to Mojoworld to take on the villain Mojo. While there she was captured by Mojo and subjected to torturous experiments and enhancements that created her extra four arms. She went insane and became loyal to Mojo, who then sent her back in time to find Longshot, completing the loop. She later became involved in the Psylocke/Kwannon mind swap and joined forces with other evil female mutants to create the Sisterhood of Mutants.
Relationships: Mojo (employer), Longshot (lover), Red Queen (ally), Lady Deathstrike (ally), Chimera (ally), Lady Mastermind (ally), Martinique Jason (ally)
First Versus game appearance: X-Men: Children of the Atom
Appearances in other media: X-Men the Animated Series (animated), Wolverine and the X-Men (animated), Marvel vs. Capcom 2 (video game), X-Men 3: Mojo World (video game)