Special Section

Buy­ers Guide

GI digs deep to find 116 games that should be in your gam­ing col­lec­tion. Col­lec­tors’ val­ues for games for the Nin­ten­do, Super Nintendo/Sega Gen­e­sis, Sega Dream­cast, Nin­ten­do 64, Sony PlaySta­tion and Sega Saturn.

This list is what you should con­sid­er lis­ten­ing if you’re into video game music. Sound­track rec­om­men­da­tions and places to pur­chase music from the GI staff.

Metroid Saga

Learn more about the space boun­ty hunter Samus Aran and her jour­ney to erad­i­cate the epony­mous race ter­ror­iz­ing the galaxy.

Tekken and SoulCalibur

Delve into the intri­cate rela­tion­ships among the char­ac­ters from Namco’s ven­er­a­ble fight­ing game franchises.

*Down­load the Tekken chart

*Down­load the Soul­Cal­ibur chart

Teenage Mutant Nin­ja Turtles 

If you’re a child of the ’80s or a gamer or both, read through our guide to every­thing Teenage Mutant Nin­ja Tur­tles games and movies.

Take a gan­der at our maps for TMNTIV! Go here to down­load.

Mor­tal Kom­bat II Tournament

GI held its first tour­na­ment uti­liz­ing one of the great­est fight­ers ever cre­at­ed, Mor­tal Kom­bat. Fol­low the action with analy­sis and rank­ings to see who is crowned the supreme cham­pi­on after six rounds of fighting.

Mario Kart Clas­sic Focus

GI’s sec­ond clas­sic focus looks at Mario Kart, the clas­sic rac­ing stan­dard for the SNES. This is our love let­ter to the great­est kart rac­er ever created.


Super Tur­bo Revival

GI takes an in-depth look at Super Street Fight­er II Tur­bo, the per­fect ver­sion of Street Fight­er II. Char­ac­ter his­to­ries, strate­gies and a CPU vs. CPU tour­na­ment are featured.

Nin­ja Gaiden maps and walkthrough

GI playsthrough the NES clas­sic Nin­ja Gaiden and details maps of all stages with boss hints. All maps are cour­tesy of VGmaps.com.

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